Hello friends,

I spoke at length with Sue, Carol's older sister and primary caregiver. Carol told me that she is very grateful for Sue's presence.  Carol was scheduled to speak with Hospice of Bennington tomorrow morning, but required an emergency admission to the hospital over the weekend for symptom management. Currently, she is in Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital (DHH), awaiting a consultation with the palliative care team, which was postponed until tomorrow morning.  .

Carol is resting comfortably with her mother and sister by her side.  Carol has signed a DNR (do not resuscitate order) and has, according to her sister, "accepted her circumstances, though she is understandably disappointed."
Sue said "Carol is not afraid of dying, she is just afraid of being in pain" as part of the dying process.  Carol is not eating and is drinking very little, though she is better hydrated now. Her tumors are growing rapidly, and she is no longer a candidate for chemotherapy or surgery.  She will be treated aggressively with palliative care for pain and symptom management.  Dartmouth Hitchcock is well known for having a top notch palliative care team, so she is in good hands. Carol told Sue that she is glad to be in the hospital at this point in time, and that she "feels safe."

Carol would like to go home if possible.  This will be discussed tomorrow at the meeting with her primary care physician and the palliative care team.  In the meantime, Carol and Sue have been making preparations for her sooner than expected departure from this life. While alert at present, Sue does not anticipate that Carol will be able to engage in further preparatory dialogue for much longer.  One of Carol's concerns is her beloved cat Bast.  It would be an enormous relief for Carol to know that Bast will be well cared when she's gone.  If you are able to give Bast a new home or know of someone who is able to do so, please let us know as soon as possible.  This would be a relief for Carol and a gift. 

Carol is aware of her friend's presence in her life and sends her love and appreciation to everyone who is accompanying her on this journey. She is open to and appreciative of any healing ceremonies conducted on her behalf. Carol wants everyone to know that however much she would like to speak with each person individually, she is not able to do so at this point.  If circumstances change, and she is able to have visitors, she will let us know through Sue. 

Sue is Carol's champion now and is doing a wonderful job of advocating and caring for Carol.  Please include Sue in your prayers and meditations.  

It is unclear if Carol will be able to return home.  I will let you know this decision as soon as I do. 

In the meantime, please continue to send your love and prayers for Carol. May she be at ease, may she feel safe, and may she feel at peace.  

One of Carol's many friends, 
Sylvia Edwards
10/20/2013 02:00:33 pm

Carol, beautiful Carol! I hold you in love and know the truth of your perfection as you move through this time. Asking all of your angels to wrap you in their wings. Peace to you my friend, healing peace. Sending all of God's love and blessings to you - Sylvia

Nancy Burns
10/21/2013 03:45:49 am

Holding you in light and love my dear friend. And you have my full permission to bug me mercilessly from the other side. Thank you in all that you have helped me with and taught me...and continue to teach me. You are so loved by this Burns family.

Stephannie Peters
10/21/2013 05:38:58 am

Carol - Sending you much, much love and light, and peace in this journey. Stephannie


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